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PRIMER TORNEO BLITZ "CLUB DE AJEDREZ LAS PAMPAS Y CUERPO MEDIDICO DE TUXTLA GTZ" Posledná aktualizácia 16.12.2024 06:04:54, Creator/Last Upload: A.O. Velásquez González
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Gutierrez Balbuena, Romel | 5106591 | MEX | 2029 | Chiapas |
2 | FM | Davalos Prieto, Abel Justo | 5102766 | MEX | 2017 | Chiapas |
3 | | Lopez Cabrera, Ivan Pastor | 5126045 | MEX | 1920 | Oaxaca |
4 | | Perez Hernandez, Omar | 5182085 | MEX | 1909 | Chiapas |
5 | | Santiz, Encinos Jorge | 5126096 | MEX | 1868 | Chiapas |
6 | AFM | Mendez Velasco, Fernando | 5180384 | MEX | 1834 | Ciudad De Mexico |
7 | | Gutierrez, Gonzalez Miguel Angel | | MEX | 1834 | Chiapas |
8 | | Monjaras Perez, Jose Miguel | 29626277 | MEX | 1820 | Chiapas |
9 | AFM | Jimenez Cunjama, Francisco Daniel | 5177936 | MEX | 1772 | Chiapas |
10 | | Rufino Torres, David | 29625602 | MEX | 1723 | Chiapas |
11 | | Hernandez, Lopez Erandi | | MEX | 1715 | Chiapas |
12 | | Lopez, Lopez Axel De Jesus | | MEX | 1673 | Chiapas |
13 | | Perez, Ruiz Alfredo De Jesus | | MEX | 1670 | Chiapas |
14 | | Fernandez, Sanchez Rodrigo | | MEX | 1658 | Chiapas |
15 | | Santiago, Estrada Jose Alfredo | | MEX | 1652 | Chiapas |
16 | | Flores Flores, Silvia | 29654920 | MEX | 1651 | Estado De Mexico |
17 | | Perez, Gordillo Frida Valentina | | MEX | 1595 | Chiapas |
18 | | Morales, Morales Alexei | 5162041 | MEX | 1586 | |
19 | | Caracheo, Perez Jose Leonardo | | MEX | 1581 | Chiapas |
20 | | Cerrillo, Garza Luis Enriqu | | MEX | 1548 | Chiapas |
21 | | Matias, Herrera Kevin | | MEX | 1502 | Chiapas |
22 | | Rodriguez, Marto Colber | | MEX | 1488 | Chiapas |
23 | | Saldivar, Farrera Heriberto | | MEX | 1464 | Chiapas |
24 | | Santaella, Sibaja Manuel De | | MEX | 1448 | |
25 | | Reyes, Bautista Joseph Robert | 5159261 | MEX | 1406 | Tabasco |
26 | | Bustillo Nucamendi, Jorge Arturo | | MEX | 0 | |
27 | | Caracheo Perez, Erick Isaac | | MEX | 0 | |
28 | | Cortes Martinez, Berzain | | MEX | 0 | |
29 | | Grajales Garcia, Perla del Rocio | | MEX | 0 | |
30 | | Guillen Molina, Elvis | | MEX | 0 | |
31 | | Sanchez Hernandez, Noe | | MEX | 0 | |
32 | | Santiz Gomez, Luis Alfonso | | MEX | 0 | |