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Torneio de Encerramento APX - Pomerode 2024 - Escolar 1

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.12.2024 20:44:31, Creator/Last Upload: Marlon Rahn

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1Bruno, KleineBRA0
2Caio Lucca, MoserleBRA0
3Daniel, Carvalho JungBRA0
4David Rafael, DobrovolskiBRA0
5Gabriel Vitor, GaulkeBRA0
6Gustavo, DalmannBRA0
7Isabelli, TesserBRA0
8Ismael, PradellaBRA0
9João Miguel, GaulkeBRA0
10Kauan, VoigtBRA0
11Kauane, VoigtBRA0
12Matheus, Silva NiderBRA0
13Matthias, BochardtBRA0
14Samuel, DobrovolskiBRA0
15Thé Henrique, SchuleterBRA0
16Vitor, BatistaBRA0
17Miguel, de OliveiraBRA0