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Penang Closed Chess Tournament 2024 FIDE RATED EVENT (RAPID)

Posledná aktualizácia 15.12.2024 11:42:26, Creator/Last Upload: PenangChessAssociation

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Štartová listina

1IMPoh, Yu Tian5734088MAS2303
2Lim, Wei Yang5797420MAS1865
3Lim, Feng Wei Ferris5729106MAS1822
4WFMChong, Kai Ni Agnes5722071MAS1820
5Thirumamani, Anban5734355MAS1788
6Tin, Shan Ze5716942MAS1760
7Lim, Jing Hng5747481MAS1753
8ACMCheah, Austin Weibin5798388MAS1749
9Choo, Ting Han5748232MAS1721
10Lim, Xuan Zhen Clarus35874554MAS1719
11Yong, Je Pin Ian5766052MAS1689
12Tan, Ying Zheng Jeffrey35836393MAS1665
13Yeoh, Wei Shen5798329MAS1634
14Lim, Cheng Teik35849258MAS1631
15Ng, Shu Heng35827300MAS1618
16Marimuthu, Sherralhan5798779MAS1613
17Goh, Cai Xuan35869119MAS1609
18ACMKumaran, Ashwiniy35815787MAS1594
19Ong, El Win35833726MAS1592
20Choo, Ting Yong5798620MAS1579
21Yvonne, Yeoh Xin Ying5739322MAS1567
22Lim, Howe Luong35825464MAS1563
23Lim, Yi Zhe35856742MAS1554
24Lai, Guan Cheng35827270MAS1537
25Ong, Chuin Tein35856220MAS1532
26Tan, Ze Hao Brighton35821868MAS1524
27Loganathan, Gokhulan5797390MAS1514
28Tan, Liang Yi Belle35831766MAS1500
29Lim, Chuan Benz35843667MAS1474
30Cheah, Yik Zhu35821027MAS1472
31Kuan, Rhe Anne35850884MAS1459
32Sim, Zi Kang Kevin5749603MAS1447
33Goh, Xin Ying35869100MAS1441
34Chuah, Ee Hong5721504MAS1420
35AFMLee, Sehyun13229842KOR0
36Ang, Cheng Yun35873302MAS0
37Chan, Wenlin Euan35830379MAS0
38Chng, Yu Hong35875348MAS0
39Lee, Xuan Le Lucas35854642MAS0
40Loganathan, Seerallan35828943MAS0
41Yong, Teng Ling35862793MAS0