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Белый конь Газпром 141224 rapid U16 A

Seinast dagført14.12.2024 09:26:51, Creator/Last Upload: Kyrgyz Chess Union

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

4Beknazarov, Emir13816063KGZ1869
1Muradylov, Baiel13821580KGZ1834
6AIMAkmatov, Zhoomart13809210KGZ1814
8Amirazhanov, Bekbol13818732KGZ1732
7Arzymatov, Dastan13819968KGZ1585
2Yrysov, Timur13835459KGZ1472
3Kanatbek, Amir13804715KGZ1461
5Kudaibergenov, BadiuzzamanKGZ0