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Torneio do Bolo - ALEX 2024

Վերջին արդիացում14.12.2024 21:39:01, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Ian, Telek Cavalcanti De AlbuquerquBRA2272Alex
2FMAlberto, Pinheiro MascarenhasBRA2156Alex
3NMBruno, Leonardo Do Nascimento DiasBRA2017Cxmeier
4Alvaro, De Moraes FrotaBRA1993Alex
5Estellito, Rangel JuniorBRA1920
6Helio, da Motta FilhoBRA1910
7Joao, Manoel Strauss FernandesBRA1906Ffc
8Zakowicz, Rafael22730257BRA1888
9Jose, Carlos Mesquita FariasBRA1887Alex
10Paulo, Roberto Costa Veiga Da SilvaBRA1877Alex
11Jose, Claide Teixeira BarrosBRA1814Alex
12Gabriel, Silva Das MercesBRA1701Alex
13Adnilton, Correia De Almeida NogueiraBRA1685Alex
14Dante, Leonardo ZorattoBRA1634Alex
15Da Cunha, Joao Victor Ximenes S.22722653BRA1596
16Viana, Luiz Marcio Faria De Aquino44780397BRA1565
17Valcir, AzevedoBRA1441
18Teo, Ronai LimaBRA10Alex
19Claudio, OliveiraBRA0
20Davi, GomesBRA0
21Emmanuel, LucenaBRA0
22Gabriel, AllenBRA0
23Gabriel, Ribeiro CarautaBRA0
24Luana, ManhenteBRA0
25Mateus, KelmerBRA0
26Ivan, RomanovBRA1286