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EAB Chess Tournament 3rd Edition Upper School (High School) Escola Americana de Brasília

Seinast dagført10.12.2024 14:12:58, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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1Breitman, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2026Parent - Parente
2Aaron Beddoe,BRA0Outside Teacher/Staff British Schoo
3Adam Cieszkowski,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
4Alejandro Mercado Donaldson,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
5Arthur Scapucin Lee,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
6Chanumi Kumarage,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
7Felipe Augusto Weber Saretta,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
8Felipe Barcaro Moure,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
9Fernando Fonseca,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
10Gabriela Oliveira Diniz Costa,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
11Gael Jaque,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
12Hugo Rafael Felipe Lannes Gonçal,BRA0Parent - Parente
13João Pedro Barros Machado de Sou,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
14Joaquim Terra,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
15Lucca Liberalino Ribeiro Nobrega,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
16Luiz Nunes,BRA0Parent - Parente
17Noah Wells,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
18Olivia Roxo Fraga,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
19Rio Sartori,BRA0Student from an invited school - Al
20Gabriel Cardoso,BRA0Eab Student - Aluno da EAB
21Daniel Lee,BRA0Parent - Parente