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Campeonato Secundarias Tecnicas Varonil Վերջին արդիացում10.12.2024 21:42:02, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Rtg | Խ |
1 | | Valverde Riestra, Omer | 29641314 | 1549 | Tec.51 |
2 | | Nava Delgado, Elian Gabriel | 29641217 | 1532 | Tec.51 |
3 | | Alvarado Gonzalez, Ian | | 0 | Tec.27 |
4 | | Alvarez Olivas, Emiliano | | 0 | Tec.69 |
5 | | Anguiano Meraz, Francisco Diego | | 0 | Tec.69 |
6 | | Armenta Diaz, Joshua | | 0 | Tec.71 |
7 | | Bencomo Chavez, Jesus Jael | | 0 | Tec.5 |
8 | | Dominguez Mendoza, Santiago | | 0 | Tec.5 |
9 | | Gonzalez Hernandez, Javier Adiel | | 0 | Tec.26 |
10 | | Gutierrez Falcon, Paul Alexis | | 0 | Tec.69 |
11 | | Mendoza Ramos, Lucas Leonel | | 0 | Tec.26 |
12 | | Quinonez Gonzalez, Mauro Alberto | | 0 | Tec.71 |