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Campeonato Secundarias Tecnicas Varonil

Վերջին արդիացում10.12.2024 21:42:02, Creator/Last Upload: Sergio Cárdenas porras

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Valverde Riestra, Omer296413141549Tec.51
2Nava Delgado, Elian Gabriel296412171532Tec.51
3Alvarado Gonzalez, Ian0Tec.27
4Alvarez Olivas, Emiliano0Tec.69
5Anguiano Meraz, Francisco Diego0Tec.69
6Armenta Diaz, Joshua0Tec.71
7Bencomo Chavez, Jesus Jael0Tec.5
8Dominguez Mendoza, Santiago0Tec.5
9Gonzalez Hernandez, Javier Adiel0Tec.26
10Gutierrez Falcon, Paul Alexis0Tec.69
11Mendoza Ramos, Lucas Leonel0Tec.26
12Quinonez Gonzalez, Mauro Alberto0Tec.71