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Shanti Hari Sudhanya Chand Public School Boys Class 6 to 10 Chess Tournament

Վերջին արդիացում13.12.2024 10:02:39, Creator/Last Upload: Champaran Chess

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Aayush Kumar 1,IND0
2Abhishek Kumar,IND0
3Afsar Khan,IND0
4Amit Kumar,IND0
5Arman Khan,IND0
6Chhotu Kumar,IND0
7Deva Kumar,IND0
8Diwakar Singh,IND0
9Gaurav Kumar,IND0
10Himanshu Kumar,IND0
11Mohit Kumar 1,IND0
12Mohit Kumar 2,IND0
13Nikhil Kumar,IND0
14Nikhil Kumar,IND0
15Prince Kumar,IND0
16Raj Kumar,IND0
17Saurabh Kumar,IND0
18Toofan Singh,IND0
19Vicky Kumar,IND0
20Yuvraj Kumar,IND0