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10TH BHADOI OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT-2024 (Only Bhadoi Players)

Seinast dagført29.12.2024 11:16:47, Creator/Last Upload: Golap Chandra Gogoi

Search for player Leita


1Biswajit Phukan25090399IND1780
2Luhit Gogoi45070644IND1643
3Jintu Gogoi25607650IND1598
4Ghana Kanta Chetia25607618IND1594S50
5Hritik Gogoi45070580IND1584
6Mukul Borah25918141IND1577
7Jagadish Gogoi45070598IND1536
8Bastov GogoiIND0
9Chandra Bahadur LimbooIND0S50
10Gopal BorgohainIND0S50
11Koushik SaikiaIND0
12Pramud ChetiaIND0S50
13Rahul RayIND0
14Sabita Gogoi45023549IND0w