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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Torneo de Ajedrez Rapido. 9a Edicion. Purisima del Rincon 2024. Segunda Fuerzaاخر تحديث09.12.2024 00:36:22, منشئ/آخر رفع: IA Hugo Arroyo
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | Flores Zamora, Javier | 5143110 | MEX | 1794 | Guanajuato |
2 | | Alcacio Perez, Andres Benjamin | 5194806 | MEX | 1759 | Guanajuato |
3 | | Villafuerte, Vazquez Marco Antonio | 29608481 | MEX | 1742 | Guanajuato |
4 | | Perez, Jimenez Adrian | | MEX | 1698 | Guanajuato |
5 | | Duran Gen, Iker | 5185882 | MEX | 1695 | Guanajuato |
6 | | Sandoval, Gonzalez David | 5176450 | MEX | 1694 | Guanajuato |
7 | | Carmona Medina, Arturo | 5185130 | MEX | 1689 | Guanajuato |
8 | | Zamacona, Torres Kalet | | MEX | 1688 | Guanajuato |
9 | | Becerra, Hernandez Ricardo De Jesus | | MEX | 1683 | Guanajuato |
10 | | Perez Labrada, Luis Francisco | 5198801 | MEX | 1683 | Guanajuato |
11 | | Rivera Perez, Jeshua Yael | 5166098 | MEX | 1673 | Guanajuato |
12 | | Rivas, Mendez Juan Manuel | | MEX | 1650 | Guanajuato |
13 | | Becerra Perez, Christian Emiliano | 29612730 | MEX | 1623 | Guanajuato |
14 | | Garcia, Chavez Jesus Axel | | MEX | 1612 | San Luis Potosi |
15 | | Villafuerte, Camacho Valeria De La Luz | | MEX | 1602 | Guanajuato |
16 | | Rosas, Escamilla Cesar Alejandro | | MEX | 1581 | Guanajuato |
17 | | Sandoval Palomares, Abigail | 5184339 | MEX | 1555 | Guanajuato |
18 | | Garcia, Chavez Carlos Ramon | | MEX | 1512 | San Luis Potosi |
19 | | Baena Gonzalez, Erick Eduardo | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
20 | | Gomez Garcia, Cesar Ulises | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
21 | | Lemus Lopez, Isael | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
22 | | Lopez Esquivel, Gustavo Angel | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
23 | | Lopez Gutierrez, Miguel Nefer | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
24 | | Munoz Martin, Alejandro | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
25 | | Ramirez Gonzalez, jorge Armando | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |
26 | | Rivas Aguilera, Eber Fernando | | MEX | 1626 | Guanajuato |
27 | | Rosales Retana, Mario | | MEX | 0 | Guanajuato |