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Torneo Regional Escolar de Ajedrez Individual Varonil, Nivel Primaria Tehuacán Puebla.Վերջին արդիացում09.12.2024 20:02:10, Creator/Last Upload: José Luis Gutiérrez Juárez
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Ակումբ/քաղաք |
1 | | | Espinosa Herrera, Cesar Shaddai | | MEX | 1487 | Edcares |
2 | | | Carrera de la Luz, Genaro Eliazar | | MEX | 0 | 21 de marzo |
3 | | | Fernandez Herrero, Luca | | MEX | 0 | Colegio Karol Wojtyla |
4 | | | Fernandez Remigio, Mateo Emiliano | | MEX | 0 | 21 de marzo |
5 | | | Gomez Garcia, Angel Yaziel | | MEX | 0 | 21 de marzo |
6 | | | Hernandez Sanchez, Mateo | | MEX | 0 | Profr. Manuel Valderrama |
7 | | | Leon Valerio, Roberto Yahel | | MEX | 0 | Anna Fred School |
8 | | | Olguin Contreras, Gael Manuel | | MEX | 0 | 21 de marzo |
9 | | | Portela Salgado, Rommel | | MEX | 0 | Vicente Suarez |
10 | | | Reyes Gonzalez, Josue Dahir | | MEX | 0 | Vicente Suarez |
11 | | | Romero Basurto, Juan Manuel | | MEX | 0 | Anna Fred School |
12 | | | Ruiz Cruz, Jahaziel Eduardo | | MEX | 0 | Educares |