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Selokunkku-turnaus 08.12.24 B-Ryhmä

Last update 08.12.2024 18:13:52, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 20)

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Starting rank

1Zhu, Stella522970FIN1302Aatos
2Terho, Nuuti523020FIN1292TammerSh
3Koskensilta, Ohto521760FIN1262TammerSh
4Al-Rubaye, AliFIN1225
5Casella, JuliusFIN1225
6Faily, AdamFIN1225
7Jyothi, JathinFIN1225
8Koozani, AdrianFIN1225
9Remizova, AlisaFIN1225
10Vasara, JiroFIN1225