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Limite de Inscripcion hasta el 23 -12-2024 7 pm LINK de Inscripcion :
Ahorros Bancolombia #82300013097 Liga Vallecaucana de Ajedrez Nit 800035014
IRT Mayor a 2000 $60.000 , IRT menor a 2000 $50.000 , Sub 8 a Sub 14 $30.000 , Discapacidad $ 25.000

Torneo IRT Sub-14 Feria de Cali 2024

Senast uppdaterad30.12.2024 17:06:13, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1Villegas, Juan Diego144400977COL1788
2Veira Taquez, Manuel Josue144406665COL1674
3Pena Ramirez, Jatniel144405634COL1626
4Jojoa Bravo, Manuel Alejandro144436432COL1587
5Tobar Beltran, Miguel Angel4479890COL1585
6Lemos Holguin, Jeronimo144430930COL1516
7Gutierrez Sanchez, Josue144451016COL0
8Asprilla Castano, Jhamal MoraniCOL0
9Camayo Delgado, SamuelCOL0
10Castano Franco, AlejandroCOL0
11Franco Perez, Juan DiegoCOL0
12Granado Montes, Braian Axel144427263COL0
13Henao Benavides, IkerCOL0
14Lopez Mejia, Antonio144429800COL0
15Manzano Munoz, Alejandro144436467COL0
16Mendez Rendon, Juan Steven144411111COL0
17Meneses Potes, Eduardo Andres144443927COL0
18Munoz Villada, Miguel AngelCOL0
19Obando Campo, Laura Isabela144428375COL0
20Osorio Munoz, Samuel144419660COL0
21Ramirez Corpus, Juan DavidCOL0
22Restrepo Villanueva, Carlos Daniel144443994COL0
23Reyes Pena, Sara SofiaCOL0
24Zapata Segura, SantiagoCOL0