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Liga Capablanca FIDE #27 Posledná aktualizácia 28.12.2024 18:21:10, Creator/Last Upload: A.N Gaspar Garcia Morales
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | | Trevizo Palacios, Soid Miguel | 29619548 | MEX | 1909 | |
2 | | | Olivas Nevarez, David Andres | 29619521 | MEX | 1828 | |
3 | | | Albor De La Mora, Humberto | 29645891 | MEX | 1812 | Chihuahua |
4 | | | Tapia Olivares, Damian Gael | 29621887 | MEX | 1751 | Chihuahua |
5 | | | Ordonez Sanchez, Andrea Angelica | 29628040 | MEX | 1662 | |
6 | | | Arevalo Sepulveda, Valentina | 29600855 | MEX | 1521 | Chihuahua |
7 | | | Valencia Molina, Roberto Asiel | 29622832 | MEX | 1658 | Chihuahua |
8 | | | Reyes Rodriguez, Luis Arturo | 29621976 | MEX | 1475 | Chihuahua |
9 | | | Hernandez Lopez, Sarahi | 29645964 | MEX | 1565 | |
10 | | | Gardea Martinez, Mateo Azael | 29646499 | MEX | 1540 | Chihuahua |
11 | | | Rascon, Carrera Eli Alejandro | 29650968 | MEX | 1516 | Chihuahua |
12 | | | Cabral Lozoya, Sebastian | 29645921 | MEX | 1515 | Chihuahua |
13 | | | Carmona Garcia, Alondra Yamile | 29664969 | MEX | 1469 | |
14 | | | Aguirre, Ruiz Alejandro | | MEX | 1400 | Nuevo Leon |
15 | | | Aguirre Medina, Alejandro | | MEX | 0 | |
16 | | | Duenas Licon, Ana Regina | 29681448 | MEX | 0 | |
17 | | | Marquez Ortega, Alan Jael | | MEX | 0 | |
18 | | | Perez Solis, Daniel | | MEX | 0 | |