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Campeonato Estadual Escolar - 2024 - SUB 14

Darrera actualització07.12.2024 21:39:07, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

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Rànquing inicial

1Lima, Joao Pedro44785879BRA1904Rs - Sub 14
2Egres, Filipe Dusik Da Silva538005409BRA1850Rs - Sub 14
3Assmann, Allan Lai44791453BRA1704
4Sobczyk, Heitor Freitag44775199BRA1651
5Dominski, Cleiton Henrique44709722BRA1639EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
6Escobar, Brayan Willian Latorre44735200BRA1630EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
7Moreira, Carlos Daniel Fraga44709765BRA1505EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
8Machado, Lucas Fontela Viegas44761449BRA1491EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
9Reis, Janaina De Oliveira22776745BRA1465EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
10Pereira, Luisa44714289BRA1441EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
11Lauterio, Joana Mycaella Da Rosa538013630BRA1800EMEF 25 DE JULHO
12Ferrao, Willian Menezes E Silva44799055BRA1791EMEF Victor Issler
13Requena, Oscar A Villarroel44739036BRA1751EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
14Da Cruz, Kelly Roberta Pereira44761287BRA1740CEDEL
15Amaral, Daniel Felipe doBRA0(Vitor - Igrejinha - ok)
16Avila, Pietro HencherBRA0EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
17da Silva, Gabriel Francisco GoncalvesBRA0EMEF Victor Issler
18Gallon, JardelBRA0 - Sub 13
19Goncalves, Gabriel VianaBRA0EMEF Victor Issler
20Laguna, Murillo FragaBRA0 - U14
21Lopes, Nickolas EirasBRA0EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
22Maurer, Mohan ZinelliBRA0 - Sub 14
23Rodrigues, Djeniffer Talita RamiresBRA0EMEF Victor Issler
24Szimanski, Bernardo MacedoBRA0 - U14
25Talini, Yuri FernandoBRA0 - U14