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Campeonato Estadual Escolar - 2024 - SUB 12

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.12.2024 21:39:00, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

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1Friedrich, Augusto Johannpeter44761384BRA1599Farroupilha
2Franz, Henrique Karam Da Conceica44740930BRA1576Rs - Sub 12
3Rosado, Joao Pedro Bravo44761481BRA1545EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
4Ensslin, Raphael Boucinha44725442BRA1506CEDEL
5Silva, Luiza Guidotti44793308BRA1474EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
6Siebra, Samara Belem44732236BRA1460Rs - Sub-12
7De Barros, Rafaela Rosa44709714BRA1433EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
8Aldana, Vitor Gomes44714130BRA1427EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
9De Souza, Luiz Felipe44784562BRA1772CEDEL
10Da Silva, Lara Fraga44796315BRA1765EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
11Cerutti, Lavinia Sulzbach44799047BRA1756EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
12Amarilho, Giovana Menezes44738838BRA1724EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
13Da Silva, Paulo Sergio Rodrigues538004828BRA1714EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
14Araujo, Mirela Almeida538004801BRA1706EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
15Ensslin, Agatha Boucinha44725434BRA1681CEDEL
16Fleck, Antonio Baptista44750595BRA1604Rs -
17Beck, Arthur MarmittBRA0 - Sub 12
18Berg, Artur RibeiroBRA0Rs -
19Blank, Gustavo FragaBRA0 - U12
20Crescente, Rafael SchunckBRA0 - U12
21Da Silva, MiguelBRA0 - Sub12
22De Moura, Pedro Henrique BoffBRA0 - U14
23Feltes E Silva, Joao LucasBRA0 - U14
24Motta, Matheus Kolling DaBRA0 - Sub 12
25Requena, Aniracsy Oscarina VillarroelBRA0EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
26Siqueira, Fred Maia SantiagoBRA0 - U12