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Campeonato Estadual Escolar - 2024 - SUB 10

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.12.2024 21:38:54, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

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1Dorneles, Arthur Botezeli44728611BRA1904Rs - Sub 10
2De Andrade, Arthur Batuli22789820BRA1714Farroupilha
3Ponche, Leon Nogueira44795955BRA1569Rs - Sub 10
4Skok, Aleksey44785941BRA1553Rs - Sub-10
5Da Silva, Allan Schunck44727283BRA1549Rs - U10
6Zancanaro, Heber Neemias Maciel22798471BRA1543EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
7Moreira, Eduardo Rocha Ito44769865BRA1529Rs - Sub 10
8Berlese, Thomas DornellesBRA1800Rs - U10
9Lotti, Vitor Zeilmann538005417BRA1781 - U10
10Ochoa, Luccas Moraes44761457BRA1777CEDEL
11Da Silva, Caio Fraga44796307BRA1769EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
12Rosado, Andre Bravo44761473BRA1699EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
13Alves, Arthur Vaz44772203BRA1689Rs - Sub-10
14Ferraz, Sophia Gomes44796331BRA1526EMEF DOM DIOGO DE SOUZA
15Arndt, Matheus PinguelliBRA0CMPA
16Blaszczekievicz, Mateus Gabriel KuhnBRA0 - U-10
17Cestari, Eduardo MillerBRA0 - U10
18Da Cruz, Alan Gabriel PereiraBRA0CEDEL
19Da Cruz, Thalysson Gabriel dos SantosBRA0CEDEL
20Ferreira, Mellany da SilvaBRA0EMEF Lauro Rodrigues
21Floriano, Francisco ConstanteBRA0 - Sub 10
22Gallon, JadsonBRA0 - U10
23Henrrichs, Vitorio MedeirosBRA0Israelita - SUB10 - (ok)
24Kiefer Neto, BernardoBRA0Rs - Sub10
25Kollet, Luiza MenezesBRA0 - U10
26Petter, Dora CastilhosBRA0(Tania - ok)
27Richter, Arthur de SouzaBRA0
28Scherer, Arthur HoffmannBRA0 - Sub 12
29Schmitt, Bernardo MeltzerBRA0 - Sub 10
30Wiltgen, Renan SmolenaarsBRA0 - Sub10