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Campeonato Estadual Escolar - 2024 - SUB 08

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.12.2024 21:38:42, Creator/Last Upload: Arbiter Viegas - Cesar B Viegas

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

4Moreira, Daniel Rocha44770715BRA1800Mt - Sub 8
5Pretto, Francisco Wegener538005204BRA1761 - Sub 8
6De Oliveira, Pedro Bernardi44755783BRA1737Rs - Sub 08 (Nascimento Em 2016)
1Da Silva, Valentina Charlotte44761317BRA1525Rs -
2Mostardeiro, Alicia Felisbert538005425BRA1506Rs - U8
3Abreu Da Silva, Joaquim Fernando44755767BRA1462Rs - Sub 8
7Richter, Francisco de SouzaBRA0
8Stamenkovic, Luka BoesingBRA0Harmonia - (ok)