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Gambit Chess Rapid Happy New Year 2025

Darrera actualització15.12.2024 13:55:18, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Kyrgyz Chess Union

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Rànquing inicial

1NMSezdbekov, Arzybek13802046KGZ1921
2AFMZholdoshmamatov, Adilet13801635KGZ1741
3Tavaldyeva, Alija13834258KGZ1678
4Baltabaeva, Keremet13830112KGZ1605
5Mambetov, Nurel13829505KGZ1551
6Kanybekov, Ayar13830350KGZ1495
7Akmatalieva, Alina13828932KGZ1470
8IAlmazbekov, Bekzhan13847546KGZ0