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Torneo Ajedrez con Causa Sub 10

Վերջին արդիացում06.12.2024 21:25:47, Creator/Last Upload: AN Angel Escareno R

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1Ruiz Lopez, Victor Andres5183405MEX1563Montessori CEMAC
2Zamora Lem, PabloMEX1562Col Dozal
3Ruiz Lopez, Maria Julia29626994MEX1523
4Silva Ontiveros, Lucia VictoriaMEX1460
5Abdo g, EliasMEX0
6Aldama Perez, Maria LeticiaMEX0
7Burciaga Valenzuela, SebastianMEX0
8Carmona Urbano, Daniel AlejandroMEX0
9Cortes Cecenas, Cesar LeonardoMEX0
10Hernandez Bernal, Sergio EduardoMEX0
11Loya Telles, Diana MayteMEX0
12Melendez Natividad, Karol AndreaMEX0M. Jesus Bejarano
13Morales Morales, Noe PascalMEX0Montessori CEMAC
14Picaso Caballero, SofiaMEX0
15Rodriguez Gonzalez, NicolasMEX0
16Strecker, Gabriel AlexanderMEX0Hamilton
17Perez Arana, Saul EliasMEX0