Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links (daily 100.000 sites and more) by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 5 days (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

El sistema de juego dependera de la cantidad de participantes en cada rama y categoria.
Se definira en la junta previa 15 miin antes de iniciar.

Selectivo Juegos Nacionales Conade 2025 | Etapa Municipal Guadalupe Victoria | Sub20 Varonil

Last update 15.12.2024 16:07:04, Creator/Last Upload: WichoBueno

Starting rank list of players

No. NameFideIDFEDRtg
Castañeda, Quintero DiegoMEX1742
Villarreal, Enríquez GiovanniMEX1721
Bueno, López José YafetMEX1600