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Final Estadual Blitz FESX - 2024

Վերջին արդիացում07.12.2024 20:27:45, Creator/Last Upload: PAULO CESAR VIEIRA

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1Do Bonfim, Hudson SoaresBRA2112Serra
2Verdibello, Mario Arnaldo BaptistaBRA2071Vitoria
3NMNascimento, Daniel RojasBRA2049Vitoria
4Silveira, Rogerio Zanon DaBRA2021Vitoria
5De Souza, Namyr CarlosBRA1941Vila Velha
6Moura, Fabio Bianchi DeBRA1924Serra
7Da Silva, Daniel PereiraBRA1899Vila Velha
8Silva, Ezequiel DemetrasBRA1881Serra
9Osorio, Jose Eustaquio HatemBRA1869Vila Velha
10Vieira, Paulo CesarBRA1844Serra
11Salazar Neto, Pedro Amancio MaliniBRA1839Serra
12Andrade, Jociel CavalcanteBRA1833Vitoria
13Andrade, Joao Rodolfo BergerBRA1830Vitoria
14Barbosa, Henrique LovattiBRA1824Cariacica
15Candeia, Miguel BastosBRA1800Vila Velha
16Cardoso, Thyago SantosBRA1800Serra
17Ferreira, Leandro BaldanBRA1800Cariacica
18Correa, ArianeBRA1400Vitoria
19Mathias Goncalves, ThelesBRA1400Serra
20Said, Sanzio AntonioBRA1400Vitoria