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Total Tournament Fund: Rupees 36,000/- + 120 Attractive Trophies Session A : U-07 , U-09 , U-11 & U-13 Session B : U-08 , U-10 , U-12 & U- 15 For More Details Contact IA Mr. Mohit Ladhe - 9029106570 & FA Mr. Saharsh Soman - 9321726972 Venue : R- Mall , Thane West Date : 8th December , 2024 (Sunday)6th R Mall U13 Age Group Category Chess Tournament 2024 For More Details Contact IA Mr. Mohit Ladhe - 9029106570 , FA Mr. Saharsh Soman - 9321726972 Վերջին արդիացում05.12.2024 09:27:40, Creator/Last Upload: Maverick Chess Events
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | սեռ |
1 | | Prisha, Margaj | | IND | 1682 | w |
2 | | Jay, Ambre | | IND | 1554 | |
3 | | Sarthak, Porwal | | IND | 1506 | |
4 | | Abhir, Behere | | IND | 0 | |
5 | | Rujul, Despande | | IND | 0 | |
6 | | Shlok, Sanjay Desai | | IND | 0 | |
7 | | Shrot, Vaze | | IND | 0 | |
8 | | Swara Sushant, Kadam | | IND | 0 | w |