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LI Campeonato Estatal Abierto de Ajedrez, Baja California 2024 SUB-2300Posledná aktualizácia 16.12.2024 02:03:01, Creator/Last Upload: Omar Ozuna Sanchez
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | IM | Garcia, Carey Osmel | 3501809 | CUB | 2230 |
2 | FM | Gomez Quezada, Juan | 5100640 | MEX | 2183 |
3 | | Gonzalez Amezquita, Gustav | 5122651 | MEX | 2143 |
4 | | Hernandez Rendon, Carlos A | 5116856 | MEX | 2130 |
5 | | Calleja Morales, Miguel Angel | 5134315 | MEX | 2029 |
6 | | Sanchez Lopez, Neftali | 5134412 | MEX | 1995 |
7 | | Montijo Razo, Belarminio Enrique | 29634490 | MEX | 1949 |
8 | | Hernandez Tapiz, Rogelio | 5198224 | MEX | 1925 |
9 | | Robles Sanchez, Fausto | 5112915 | MEX | 1868 |
10 | | Caravantes Romero, Cesar David | 5199131 | MEX | 1860 |
11 | | Perez Escamilla, Alexander Darien | 29625289 | MEX | 1853 |
12 | | Silvestre, Christian | 30956269 | USA | 1965 |
13 | | Rodriguez Rincon, Marcos | 29635225 | MEX | 1818 |
14 | | Castillo Martinez, Angel Said | 5154243 | MEX | 1772 |
15 | | Mendoza, Verdugo Victor Manuel | | MEX | 1761 |
16 | | Alvarez Montes, Ernesto | 29625491 | MEX | 1716 |
17 | | Becerra Noriega, Jose Adria | 29651751 | MEX | 1706 |
18 | | Cortez, Hernandez Juan Enrique | | MEX | 1692 |
19 | | Gerardo, Avendano Jose Luis | | MEX | 1664 |
20 | | Roman, Gutierrez Paris Arturo | | MEX | 1626 |
21 | | Lunar Villaman, Sofia | 5141656 | MEX | 1621 |
22 | | Ham Corona, Ana Paola | 5158893 | MEX | 1614 |
23 | | Guzman, Sanchez Juan Ramon | | MEX | 1563 |
24 | | Velazquez, Maldonado Jose Angel | | MEX | 1558 |
25 | | Vazquez, Antonio Michel | | MEX | 1400 |
26 | AFM | Armenta Camarena, Carlos Junior | 396110790 | FID | 0 |
27 | | Cornejo Alvarez, Ricardo | | MEX | 0 |
28 | | Rivera Lopez, Jeshua Omar | | MEX | 0 |