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Putrajaya Blitz Master Series 1 (FIDE RATED)

Last update 05.12.2024 06:49:18, Creator/Last Upload: Persatuan Catur Putrajaya

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Starting rank list

1CMZulkipli, Zaidan5704154MAS2158PJY
2AIMAbd Aziz, A Qil A Lauddin5771498MAS1843U18
3AGMChong, Bok Siang5726891MAS1770
4AIMAbd Aziz, Aniq Ariffin5771471MAS1699
5Husin, Mohd Khairil Ikqwan5742862MAS1694
6Mohayuddin, Afiq Syukri35823143MAS1655U18
7Ho, Qi Zheng5796504MAS1566
8Koe, Hao Yang5783518MAS1422U18
9Ho, Min Yu35863528MAS1407wU12
10Aftab, Abdullah35872020MAS0U18PJY
11Cheow, Sze Yaung5796946MAS0U18
13Ho, Seng Keat Kevin5707200MAS0
14Low, Shan Ni Kaely5771560MAS0wU18
15Mazlan, Muhd Adrul Farhan5779880MAS0