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Sihlangu Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.12.2024 06:37:42, Creator/Last Upload: Vuma,Skhumbuzo

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1Bhembe, KhweziRSA1335
2coka, zinathiRSA0
3gumede, gamelihleRSA0
4hleko, nalediRSA0
5Khoza, VuyoRSA1260
6mabuza, sinethembaRSA0
7mabuza, snenhlanhlaRSA0
8Madonsela, SamukeloRSA1263
9maluleka, lwandileRSA0
10mashaba, thatoRSA1274
11Mashabane, SamkelisiweRSA1101
12Mlambo, MirandaRSA1186
13mthethwa, nkosinathiRSA0
14ngobeni, dinhleRSA0
15Ngomane, LwandileRSA1198
16Nkuna, ParisRSA1155
17Nobela, GladwellRSA1192
18nyambi, olwethuthandoRSA0
19Sethathi, LethaboRSA1279
20Sethathi, RethabileRSA1163
21shongwe, ziyandaRSA1201
22sibiya, lindelwaRSA0
23maphosa, thobekaRSA1172
24sono, feziweRSA1189