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1st Nagercoil Ymca Chess Academy Bliz Tournament

Last update 05.12.2024 03:18:25, Creator/Last Upload: Eshwanth Dev Kumar

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Starting rank list

1Arnold, PIND1660S99Loyola College
2Aditya, C.AIND0S99Bishop Remigius
3Akhilesh, AIND0S99
4Eniya, NIND0wS99Sri Guru Nana Sambanthar Mission Ga
5Eniyan, NIND0S99Sri Gurunana Sambanthar Mission Gar
6Naresh, AIND0S99
7Nijon, GIND0S99Bishop Remigius School Cbse
8Rithika, Shri RIND0wS99Aecs Chettikulam
9Sudhakar, RIND0S99Csi Matriculation Nagercoil
10Thejesvi, P AIND0wS99Arunachala Matric Hr Sec School