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Rapid Navideño Montes de Oca 2024

Last update 04.12.2024 23:52:30, Creator/Last Upload: Josue Amaya

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Starting rank list

1FMCarvajal Gorgona, Jonathan6500625CRC2239Asociacion Goicoechea
2NMChaves Sanchez, Gabriel A6502180CRC2218False
3Ramos Rodriguez, Daniel6511635CRC1871Goicoechea
4Valverde Vega, Santiago6526110CRC1685Ccdr Montes De Oca
5Soto Sanchez, Alejandro6534945CRC1650Goicoechea
6Soto Sanchez, Eduardo6535020CRC1606Goicoechea
7Baltodano Mendoza, Matias6570194CRC1423Asociacion Goicoechea
8Alfaro Letendre, Benjamin6565166CRC1413Desamparados
9Baltodano Murillo, EmilianoCRC1400Montes de Oca
10Chaves Rivera, Dominic Gael6560539CRC1400Goicoechea
11Miranda Carvajal, Maria Paulina6568467CRC1400Iribo
12Fernandez Martinez, JulianCRC1400