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Selectivo Municipal CONADE sub 16 años femenil

Last update 04.12.2024 21:54:26, Creator/Last Upload: Gloria Gallegos

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1Martinez, Sabanero Claudia Montserrat29624657MEX1531San Luis Potosi
2Perez, Torres Irma Fernanda29648360MEX1406San Luis Potosi
3Almanza Villanueva, Lucero EstefaniaMEX0
4Chavez Juarez, Karla MichellMEX0
5Hernandez Larios, KyaraMEX0
6Lopez Guerrero, Evelyn FernandaMEX0
7Menchaca Martinez, Britani JaquelinMEX0
8Ramirez Sanchez, Denisse AidethMEX0
9Rivera Jauregui, Danna YaretziMEX0