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Last update 04.12.2024 20:54:58, Creator/Last Upload: IMAjedrez

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Starting rank

1Ayala Vazquez, Kevin AlfonsoMEX1531AHO
2Lopez Luzania, SantiagoMEX1529AHO
3Lopez Lopez, GabrielMEX1508AHO
4Bojorquez Velazquez, Dulce AnyelinMEX1484
5Elenes Soto, Fabian AlejandroMEX1472GUA
6Villegas Armenta, AdrianMEX1472GUA
7Gonzalez Vazquez, Miguel AdrianMEX0
8Juarez Armenta, YancarloMEX0
9Leyva Pina, Manuel EnriqueMEX0
10Ocampo Leal, Marco AntonioMEX0
11Quintero Orduño, Kevin MateoMEX0
12Rodriguez Marquez, rafaelMEX0
13Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jose FrankMEX0
14Verdugo Rodriguez, Mario de JesusMEX0