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Cupa de iarna Genius Galati, nelegitimati, 07.12.2024

Last update 05.12.2024 07:48:45, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Starting rank list

1Anghel, MariaROU0
2Craciun, StefanROU0
3Craescu, AlbertROU0
4Craescu, RobertROU0
5Darac, AlexandruROU0
6Filimon, Vlad-AndreiROU0
7Gheorghiu, Eduard DamianROU0
8Hogas, AlexandruROU0
9Mangar, MateiROU0
10Mania, TeoROU0
11Musunoi, SophiaROU0
12Pintea, Bogdan MihailROU0
13Pobereznicenco, Sara AntoniaROU0
14Pricop, AndraROU0
15Radu, TudorROU0
16Ramba, CristianROU0
17Scarlet, EduardROU0
18Stefan, CodrinROU0