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Last update 04.12.2024 20:28:54, Creator/Last Upload: ArciBz

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Starting rank list

1FMOlivetti, Davide863220ITA2116TN
2Zammarchi, Massimo809543ITA2050BZ
3Terletskyi, Oleh Mykola28574052ITA1879U18BZ
4Feichter, Matthias854638ITA1769BZ
5Addante, Francesco28540115ITA1722U18BZ
6Puechler, Ruben28564308ITA1704BZ
7Agnoli, Tiziano28521820ITA1592S60BZ
8Stuffer, Harald28581776ITA1545BZ
9Cosarca Mihai, CristinelITA1499
10Brandolese, ArnaldoITA1399S60
11Fabio, BissardellaITA1399
12Gruber, Daniel23443049ITA1399U12BZ