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Cupa de iarna Genius Galati, U16, 07.12.2024

Last update 04.12.2024 21:13:28, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Starting rank list

1Damaschin, Ioan-Iustin42215862ROU1798Acs Genius Galati
2Munteanu, Stefan P.1287648ROU1628Acs Smart Galati
3Calin, Ionel-Dragos42236380ROU1598Focsani
4Calin, Costica-Alexandru42236371ROU1597Focsani
5Puia, Vlad-Filip42210119ROU1585Acs Genius Galati
6Botez, Mario-Alexandru1276417ROU1484Acs Smart Galati
7Butacu, Maria42206308ROU1414Acs Genius Galati