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Cupa de iarna Genius Galati, U10, 07.12.2024

Last update 04.12.2024 21:13:59, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 22)

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Starting rank list

1Pana, Darius-Cristian42233364ROU1667Focsani
2Sararu, Sofia-Elena42226015ROU1582Acs Genius Galati
3Ivan, Matei-Alexandru42235162ROU1522
4Barsan, Aria-Petra42233348ROU1490
5Anghel, Andrei C.42243394ROU0Acs Genius Galati
6Costache, Alexandru42241804ROU0Acs Smart Galati
7Iorgu, Teodor-Razvan42226007ROU0Acs Smart Galati
8Nastasache, Adriana-Michaela42233356ROU0Acs Genius Galati
9Neamtu, Ioana-Sofia42222524ROU0Acs Genius Galati
10Oprisan, Ilinca-Natalia42241812ROU0Acs Smart Galati
11Popov, Matei42210178ROU0Acs Genius Galati
12Popov, Stelian42210186ROU0Acs Genius Galati
13Stan, Madalin-Robert42234425ROU0Acs Smart Galati
14Vank, Tudor-Stefan42235243ROU0
15Zaharia, Stefan-Lucian42245710ROU0Acs Genius Galati