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WIM Deborah Richards-Porter Ladies Tournament Under 10

Last update 04.12.2024 18:38:59, Creator/Last Upload: Jamaica Chess Federation (Llicense 1)

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Starting rank list

1Baker, JunetteJAM0
2Burke, MaliyahJAM0
3Dyer, KaylorJAM0
4Foote, ChloeJAM0
5Jampany, Chandana SiriJAM0
6Leake, Emilia-RoseJAM0
7McDaniel, DanaeJAM0
8Mills, GiiaJAM0
9Noble, NoelleJAM0
10Trowers, JhennyssaJAM0
11Wilson, PaisleyJAM0
12Wood, NyahJAM0