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Last update 04.12.2024 16:04:04, Creator/Last Upload: SD_Posocje

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Starting rank list

1Morencic, Lara14658992SLO0
2Morencic, Mathias14640678SLO1488
3Sattler, Adam14670313SLO0
4Rogac, Tilen14662094SLO0
5Pirih, Neza14664038SLO0
6Bavdaz Veluscek, Lev14669455SLO0
7Sejdinović, VedadSLO0
8Veluscek, Nikita14669463SLO0
9Titaraeva, Arina14669528SLO0
10Gabrijelcic, AleksSLO0
11Stekar, AnikaSLO0
12Trampuz, AzbeSLO0