Coupe du Léman région Vaud. le vainqueur affrontera le vainqueur du groupe B Geneve en finale.

Coupe du Léman 2024-2025 Vaud Catégorie B

Organizer(s)Coupe du léman
FederationSwitzerland ( SUI )
Tournament directorBaudraz Pierre-Alain
Chief-ArbiterMarc Schaerer
Bedenkzeit (Standard)1 heure + 30 secondes par coup
SiteSuisse romande
Number of rounds7
Tournament typeRound robin for teams
Rating calculationRating national
Date2024/09/30 to 2025/03/03
Pairing programSwiss-Manager from Heinz HerzogSwiss-Manager tournamentfile

Last update 04.12.2024 11:06:24, Creator: CoupeDuLeman,Last Upload: Fédération Genevoise des Echecs

LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameterselection no tournament-details
ListsRanking crosstable, Rank table, Starting rank list of players, Alphabetical list of players, Time-table, Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics
Team-Composition with round-results, Team-Composition without round-results, Team-Pairings of all rounds
Board PairingsRd.1, Rd.2, Rd.3
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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Dame Blanche (RtgAvg:1554, Captain: Sophia Pheng / TB1: 8,5 / TB2: 5)
1Lu, Hanqi2002SUI13308531111939
2Henry, Augustin011221797
3Carimatto, Augusto011221511
4Wu, Ming-Lo010121732
5Leria, Erwan001121215
6Hamou, Jules1776FRA360060501111905
7Loukaidis, Andronikos1439421098680011969
8Bracewell, Gareth0½0,511645
  2. Chesspower 1 (RtgAvg:1913, TB1: 8 / TB2: 4)
1Baudry, Lyam1988FRA658731½0,511842
2Cheles, Nicusor1807SUI13636110011875
3Lugeon, François001121586
4Puente, Daniel011221693
5Matsuo, Tom1783FRA65301395611221470
6Steenhuis, Jan2074SUI130877701121881
7Stadler, Tadao1721SUI1353047½0,511844
8Fageot, Julien0SUI1111987
  3. Crazy Horse (RtgAvg:1912, Captain: Alain Chollet / TB1: 7 / TB2: 4)
1Grütter, Rolf1974SUI1341510½11,521922
2Tcheau, Alain1969SUI1306014111331727
3Chollet, Alain1665SUI13091610011728
4Loba, Joël1645SUI13585021½1,521290
5Silva, Adrian1905SUI½00,521817
6Jaquier, Daniel1800SUI1315250½0,511760
7Mourey, Marjorie0SUI0011000
  4. Monthey (RtgAvg:1743, Captain: Jorel Martin / TB1: 6 / TB2: 3)
1Moesching, Colin1841SUI134503611221422
2Tordeur, Fabien1953SUI13159511111737
3Martin, Jorel1749SUI135322510121354
4Favre, Samuel1429SUI11221000
5Meynet, Gilles1262SUI13532410011000
  5. GEL 2 (RtgAvg:1872, TB1: 5,5 / TB2: 4)
1Pouly, Ivan1842SUI1360140½0,511988
2Conrad, Vincent1875SUI13123321½1,521772
3Lehmann, Kevin1771FRA4513007811221327
4Bovet, David1607SUI13612870011000
5Parshikov, Tikhon1945SUI13576031111765
6Giananti, Andrea1824SUI1328557½0,511707
  6. Morges 1 (RtgAvg:1825, TB1: 4 / TB2: 0)
1Fouet, Jean-Baptiste1904SUI1356500½11,522024
2Fouet, Axel1755SUI13564960011969
3Rossi, Nicolas1728SUI1111665
4Glaettli, Oliver1579SUI01121691
5Divoux, Mattys1401SUI135666600021354
6Von Muralt, Noé0SUI0011783
7Saliba, Jacques1779SUI13544260011000
8Glardon, Mathieu1861SUI1314645½0,511925
  7. Echallens 2 (RtgAvg:1818, TB1: 3,5 / TB2: 2)
1Papaux, Jérémie1843SUI13408670011841
2Recordon, Patrick1737SUI13224600½00,531802
3Lesniak, Julien1707SUI13030740½11,531658
4Jeanrichard, Pierre0SUI0011429
5Rose, Alexis1765SUI13530200011945
6Cordey, Michel1654SUI13322950+121771
7Cordey, Colin1925SUI1332287½0,511861
  8. Renens 1 (RtgAvg:1907, Captain: Jean-Paul Pittet / TB1: 1,5 / TB2: 0)
1Bouhier, Laurent1939FRA697060000031920
2Breeuwer, Pieter1844SUI13442690½0,521361
3Ahumada, Norberto1760SUI13142540½0,521400
4Branco, Claudio1622SUI13355960011000
5Racloz, Michel1987SUI131251000021485
6Rolle, Pascal1857FRA655538½00,521990