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Pre League Tourney u10

Last update 04.12.2024 14:11:17, Creator/Last Upload: hca

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Starting rank

1Bere, JuniourZIM0
2Chikukwa, SekhelekileZIM0
3Chivava, DenzelZIM0
4Dzomba, AnesuZIM0
6Gwese, JuniorZIM0
7Kamutende, KunasheZIM0
8Mahachi, MufaroZIM0
9Makuyana, FortuneZIM0
10Mandebvu, NyashaZIM0
11Manyowa, LatishaZIM0
12Mapako, PreslyZIM0
13Maromo, TawanaZIM0
14Matesanwa, PreslyZIM0
15Matesanwa, SamuelZIM0
16Mkwananzi, LeeroyZIM0
17Mukaka, MunenyashaZIM0
18Mupamba, NigelZIM0
19Ndlovu, RutendoZIM0
20Rubele, SaiffanZIM0
21Shiri, CourageZIM0
22Simbi, CleopatraZIM0
23Sumani, CalmerZIM0
24Nhondo, MitchelZIM0
25Mapurisa, MakanakaZIM0