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Last update 04.12.2024 16:03:59, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

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Starting rank list

1Yatsishin, Ivan14107643UKR1775Athletes with disabilities / vision
2Petriv, Mikhail14115662UKR1734Athletes with disabilities / vision
3Marchenko, Aleksey14192888UKR1710Soldiers /UBD/
4Kunta, Iryna14128381UKR1709Athletes with disabilities / vision
5AFMVelychko, Semen34125140UKR1679Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
6Hrepunov, Oleksandr14121689UKR1656Athletes with disabilities / vision
7AFMVelychko, Sofiya34125159UKR1619Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
8Kolb, Denys34120661UKR1540Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
9Durnev, Volodymyr14117592UKR1538Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
10Openyshev, Volodymyr14138280UKR1536Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
11Buha, Ivan14136384UKR1529Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
12Khymko, Yana34132074UKR1480Athletes with disabilities / ORA no
13Dominiuk, Oleh34187944UKR1455Soldiers /UBD/
14Pashkevych, Stefaniya34120696UKR1420Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
15Mymryk, Yaroslav14178192UKR1309Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
16Kurka, Anna14128390UKR1280Athletes with disabilities / vision
17Atamanchuk, AndriyUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
18Bogatyrev, SerhiyUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
19Husak, MykolaUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
20Kopystaynskii, SerhyiUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
21Kryvenko, VadymUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
22Lozkin, GermanUKR0Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
23Masliyevych, MaksymUKR0Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
24Meh, MykhailoUKR0Athletes with disabilities / vision
25Nazarkevych, AndriyUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
26Omelkovets, DavydUKR0Athletes with disabilities / nosolo
27Rumiantsev, Volodymyr 1UKR0Soldiers /UBD/
28Skochylias, Markiian 1UKR0Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
29Skochylias, Sofia 2UKR0Rotary Club "LVIV-LEOPOLIS"
30Slivinsky, VolodymyrUKR0Soldiers /UBD/
31Trum, DavidUKR0Athletes with disabilities / nosolo