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1° Torneo de ajedrez - Club de Ajedrez Rey Gato

Seinast dagført09.12.2024 03:33:10, Creator/Last Upload: Dario Rodriguez

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1Mariscal Oviedo, Bryan EduardoMEX1700Nuevo Leon
2Munoz, CesarMEX1700Nuevo Leon
3Maciel, Uribe RubenMEX1657Nuevo Leon
4Hernandez Orozco, Emmanuel RogelioMEX1604Nuevo Leon
5Bernal, ErickMEX1600Nuevo Leon
6Moreno Larios, Sebastian5164788MEX1599Nuevo Leon
7Talip, Marquez Kaede DitzahMEX1576Nuevo Leon
8Maciel, Martinez Sebastian29624509MEX1559Nuevo Leon
9Talip, Marquez Ayzar YasserMEX1521Nuevo Leon
10Maciel, PatricioMEX1400Nuevo Leon
11Rodriguez, Rodriguez Dario5164257MEX1400Nuevo Leon
12Trevino Guzman, MatiasMEX1400Nuevo Leon