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Hillview College In-House Tournament

Last update 04.12.2024 18:43:17, Creator/Last Upload: Paladins Chess Club

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Starting rank list

1Aiden, SeegoolamTTO0
2Ayaz, NicholasTTO0
3Caleb John, CampoTTO0
4Casimir John, RobinTTO0
5Eli, ManchouckTTO0
6Esa, FrancisTTO0
7Gabriel, RamdialTTO0
8Isaiah, VassellTTO0
9Jacek, LauTTO0
10Javed, BiptahTTO0
11Jeremiah, FelixTTO0
12Josiah, Le BlancTTO0
13Justin, ParbooTTO0
14Ka Hei, PunTTO0
15Kai, JohnTTO0
16Matthew, ChesterTTO0
17Raeyal, RoopchandTTO0
18Sanjiv, JosephTTO0
19Saqiv, WilliamsTTO0
20Savad, Koon KoonTTO0
21Shivraj, RampartapTTO0
22Tiberuis, NaitramTTO0
23Tristan, SiewdassTTO0
24Vivek, RampersadTTO0
25Zaeem, FrancisTTO0
26Yejide, FernandoTTO0