Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

Reporting time at 9:00AM

Techanical meeting at 9.30AM

1st round start at 10.00AM

NOTE: This list will split as per group on tournament day

Pairing will be done in saperate categories
A - Below 4th Std
B - 5th to 7th
C - 8th to 10th

Rotary Brindavan Winter Chess Festival @ Mysuru (Find the Reg. Link Below)

Last update 04.12.2024 02:29:38, Creator/Last Upload: Raghavendra M V

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Starting rank list

1Chirag c s,33432406IND15725BPodar international school
3Rishith S,IND08CSt Joseph’s Central School, Vijayna
4Rushanth S,IND03ASt Joseph’s Central School, Vijayna
6Souran Jain MJ,25629166IND09CMandya Chess Academy
7Stephan Rathnakar .V,IND07BSt.Arnolds Central School
8Veeksha V K,IND01AExcel public school
9Yuvannayak B,88166090IND01ADPS Bangalore