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Masters Chess Challenge - 2024 Under 10 Girls (2014 & 2015)

Last update 05.12.2024 02:04:42, Creator/Last Upload: Ruwantha

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Starting rank list

1Ananya, R M SSRI0Wickramashila National School
2Athauda, B G A M S MSRI0Wickramashila National School
3Bamunuarachchi, B A T TSRI0Wickramashila National School
4Gamage, P G H DSRI0Wickramashila NationalnSchool
5Jayarathna, R H S ASRI0Ku/Giri/Mahindodaya Primary School
6Jayarathna, R H T YSRI0Dambadeniya Primary School
7Kamalasena, A C PSRI0Maliyadewa Balika Vidyalaya
8Kumari, I L V VSRI0Kuli/Seelarathana Primary College
9Linethra, S D MSRI0Mayurawathi Maha Vidyalaya, Metiyag
10Liyanage, H L M SSRI0Maliyadewa Balika Vidyalaya
11Munasinghe, M M T RSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
12Nawodya, K H DSRI0Hunuwila Primary School
13Nethsarani, W G MSRI0Ingaradaula M M V
14Nishshanka, N A K E S CSRI0Giriulla Chess Club
15Padmasiri, J H S DSRI0Mahindodaya Primary School
16Pemachandra, R P D D VSRI0Sri Seelarathana Primary School
17Pemachandra, R P D T P N SSRI0Sri Seelarathana Primary School
18Ranathunga, R G S DSRI0Wickramashila National School
19Senanayaka, S A M N YSRI0Wickramashila National School
20Shenalya, S P DSRI0Pannala National School
21Tharundee, H A S SSRI0Wickramashila National School
22Thathsarani, A M S NSRI0Mahindodaya Primary School
23Wijesinghe, D V Y SSRI0Ave Maria Convent Negombo
24Wishwanath, H P S MSRI0Holly Angels Girls College Kuliyapi
25Yunali, H M SSRI0Wickramashila National School