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البطولة الولائية للأمن ولاية سيدي بلعباس ذكور

Last update 03.12.2024 19:05:47, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

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Starting rank list

1Daho, Mohammed7903359ALG1856AS.SW sidi bel abbes
2Bouchentouf, Mohamed Amine7966903ALG1709AS.SW sidi bel abbes
3Maghraoui, Sofiane7923449ALG1694AS.SW sidi bel abbes
4Mekhfi, Reda7917953ALG1587AS.SW sidi bel abbes
5Belkheir, Mohamed7941480ALG1583AS.SW sidi bel abbes
6Didaoui, Mohamed7955111ALG1414AS.SW sidi bel abbes
7Belhigoune, AEKALG0AS.SW sidi bel abbes
8Bouokka, OmarALG0AS.SW sidi bel abbes
9Djellid, kaimALG0AS.SW sidi bel abbes
10Mazar, Sid Ahmed7906900ALG0AS.SW sidi bel abbes