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Copperbelt Open Developmental Chess Championships - U8 Boys & Girls

Last update 03.12.2024 19:42:19, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Botha, MikalyaZAM0
2Butala, CharissaZAM0
3Chifwaila, ChristianZAM0
4Chikontwe, ChikondiZAM0
5Chikontwe, JosephZAM0
6Chiona, ChristineZAM0
7Kasemuka, Kukenga GasperZAM0
8Kasemuka, NkisuZAM0
9Matowe, IsraelZAM0
10Mawelela, MpatsoZAM0
11Mukube, LimphoZAM0
12Mukube, ThabithaZAM0
13Mukube, TumeloZAM0
14Mwelwa, BwalyaZAM0
15Mwila, KasondeZAM0
16Ngoma, NicolleteZAM0
17Phiri, KhumbolaneZAM0
18Shambuluma, Labson8730121ZAM0
19Sichali, Atupele Atusaye8725071ZAM0
20Sichula, RaphaelZAM0
21Sikazwe, DuncanZAM0
22Sikazwe, NataizyaZAM0
23Zulu, EstherZAM0
24Zulu, Kalya WanipaZAM0
25Zulu, TikambenjiZAM0
26Phiri, MwansaZAM0
27Botha, AprilZAM0