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Copperbelt Open Developmental Chess Championships - U10 Boys & Girls

Last update 03.12.2024 19:43:35, Creator/Last Upload: Zambia Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Ngambi, Mumbi S8726221ZAM1501
2Argrawaal, SaatvikZAM0
3Chikontwe, TehilaZAM0
4Chilubano, ChisengaZAM0
5Chiwele, JohnZAM0
6Kaponda, VeronicaZAM0
7Matowe, LubutoZAM0
8Mawelela, NikiweZAM0
9Mulenga, MulengaZAM0
10Mwelwa, MushibweZAM0
11Zulu, Annie LushomoZAM0
12Zulu, DanielZAM0