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DSSP Kinderschachturnier VM in Liestal

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.12.2024 11:37:25, Creator/Last Upload: dssp02

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1Steck, Michelle Xinyue27166LIE1200U9Triesen Sc
2Pelloli, Ezio27311SUI1194U9DSSP
3Forgiarini, Francesco27165SUI1182U9DSSP
4Steck, Justine26952LIE1155wU11Triesen Sc
5Amberg, Livio0SUI0U7DSSP
6Beniczki, Reto Robert27460SUI0U7Solothurn Sk
7Gopi, Yuva0SUI0U7DSSP
8Gultyaev, Maxim109131153GER0U9Sc Brombach E.V.
9Hindupur, Neil0SUI0U7
10Jordan, Jeremy0SUI0U9DSSP
11Jovanovic, Simeon0SUI0U7DSSP
12Kaiser, Niklas0SUI0U9
13Kontauts, Aleksandrs Jons Fortunats27846SUI0U11DSSP
14Marinian, Sebastian0SUI0U9
15Varshauski, Stephan0SUI0U9DSSP
16Wagner, Joël Joshua28187SUI0U9DSSP