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Jovenes Promesas del Ajedrez de Moreno 2024 Cierre anual de actividades.

Last update 05.12.2024 01:46:08, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank list

1Lamas, AlanARG1671
2Alfonso, MauricioARG0sub-17
3Alvarez, BrandonARG0sub- 17
4Campal, SaniagoARG0sub-17
5Challco, JoanARG0sub-11
6Echeverz, FabricioARG0sub- 17
7Garcia, LuanaARG0sub-15
8Gonzalez, FranciscoARG0sub- 13
9Lizondo, BenjaminARG0sub- 11
10Maidana, DenisARG0
11Ortega, IanARG0sub-13
12Ortega, MateoARG0sub-09
13Ortega, NehitanARG0sub-07
14Ortiz Ramirez, LucianoARG0sub-13
15Palle, TizianoARG0sub-11
16Reyes, JoseARG0
17Rios, SantiagoARG0sub-15
18Romero, LeonARG0sub-15
19Vedia, ArielARG0sub- 11
20Vedia, WalterARG0
21Vergara, PedroARG0sub-13