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!er Torneo de Ajedrez, "Ignacio Comonfort". Ct. Sub-18

Last update 03.12.2024 03:45:52, Creator/Last Upload: A.O. Angel Aguilar De Jesus

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Starting rank list

1De, Ita Dominguez SantiagoMEX1627Puebla
2Guzmán Ramírez, Alan JesúsMEX0Amozoc
3Islas Flores, Laura MaricelaMEX0Amozoc
4Jiménez Sánchez, AlexandroMEX0Amozoc
5Lerista Reyes, MayteMEX0Amozoc
6Ramos Lopez, RodrigoMEX0Amozoc
7Rosales Soledad, ErikaMEX0Amozoc