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II Campeonato de Ajedrez Escolar Centroamericano y del Caribe 2024 - U-17

Last update 05.12.2024 03:03:43, Creator/Last Upload: Ajedrezhonduras

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Starting rank list

1Hernandez Samayoa, Dilan Alexander7306679GUA1972
2Letona V., Javier Alejandro7304528GUA1942
3Valle Alonso, Moises Abraham6109560NCA1875
4Vargas Arguedas, Caleb6524869CRC1869
5Arauz Espinoza, Douglas Ariel6110410NCA1861
6Ayerdi Hurtado, Cynthia Maria7306881GUA1854
7Reinhard Moller, Gustavo7306970GUA1831
8Gutierrez Choguaj, Josue Emanuel7306016GUA1795
9AFMLopez Escobar, Daniel Alejandro7304544GUA1751
10CMCabezas Calero, Abigail Carolina6105971NCA1742
11Pinzon Balan, Jose Jeyk7307616GUA1741
12Perdomo, Hesler8407010HON1721
13Salazar Gould, Kristy Valeria6511643CRC1697
14Caballero, David Eli8410666HON1694
15Mendoza Cacoj, Yolanda7305591GUA1636
16Merino Vallecillo, Angela Sofia8410062HON1607
17Lorenzo Mateo, Jennyfer Marisol7307098GUA1561
18Benavides Diaz Del Valle, Luis8407460HON1559
19Serrano Herrera, Daniela De Andrea6107168NCA1549
20Padilla, Angel Roberto8412863HON1483
21Polanco, Sara8412839HON1429
22Gomez Pichardo, Angel De Amor7308205GUA0
23Villafranca, Rafael8410780HON0